Monday, January 02, 2006

A Start And A finish

Wow this like my 5th post in a week's time...i must be bored

So this is my first post of 2006...maybe my last...we'll see how bored i am in the upcoming 12 So January is the Start...and December is the end...but really these are just arbitrary dates...there's really nothing differant from today to tomorrow...well there's the weather but everything else is pretty much the same...maybe it has something to do with earth's rotation...i'm not sure... i'm no scientist so i can't really confirm that. All I know is we all seem to need to have a beginning and an ending in almost everything we do. Life has a beginning and end...relationships have beginnings and endings...the lifespan of my shoes have beginnings and ends...this post will have a beginning and an end...think about it...alot of things have beginnings and ends and the year is no differant even though in reality...there pretty much is little difference between january and december...2006 and 2005...really it's just a way of making us all think that whatever happened during a certain time frame has now ended and new (and even better) things can happen in the future...which will be the beginning...yaaaa watever makes u happy :)

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Last Post of 2005

Ahhhh New Years...The Biggest Party of the year! For some the day that they look forward to and for others the day they can't wait to be over with...Could be the most miserable day of the year or the best 1. The day every1 wants to make a new start with...resolutions all over the place...the day you reassess your life.

This is Rant Part:

Forget that!!!! No1 should have to wait till January to reassess their lives...if you need to it the day you think about it!!! If you're going to get toasted tonight...don't get into your car and make some1 else's night their last night on earth...BE RESPONSIBLE!!!! Of course this should be the case every single day of the year but let's not kid ourselves...not ever1 is for those of us who are...keep an extra eye out 2nite (and any night) for the LOSERS that just aren't. If you're home alone...don't worry...YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!! There's millions doing the same thing!!! Don't despair!!! Maaaan think about could've been born a tree...a mouse...a plant...or in poverty stricken town somewhere in God knows have priviledges others could only dream of...APPRECIATE LIFE !!!

Of course those that are going to have a BLAST tonight...shoot 1 down for me 2 cause I'll be doing the same for you!!!!

HAVE A GOOD 1 EVERY1...BE Safe...Happy New Year !

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Messenger Contact Garbage

Ahhh the if 1 isn't enuff...there's many of them...ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, AOL...I guess those are the big 4...there's probably more but just trying to keep up with those is plenty for me. I was never a big advocate of AOL and therefore tried never ever to install any AOL garbage on my i am 15 odd years after having bought my 1st computer (but not my only) and I'm still keeping true to my word...NO AOL!!

I use to use ICQ but too many instability issues not to mention hacking problemos causing me to abandon that service...which left MSN and Yahoo...i hardly ever use Yahoo anymore...more of a backup in case u meet new people and they usually have Msn or Yahoo and hangs around for me even though i never go to it. So that leaves MSN Messenger as my regular service...I love MSN...u can't have offline messenging (which is not always a bad thing) but love everything else about it.

The problem is my contact list...YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! It's HUGE!!! Why do I do this? I just have a really hard time deleting people despite the fact that I NEVER EVER talk to them why do they continue to take up space on my list?! Why?! Is it because i just can't let go? Is it because I feel Bad? Is it because i'm an idiot? Am I OCD? WHY DO I DO THIS?!!! Some of these people do log in but despite that I STILL NEVER EVER speak to them! I have people on my list that I don't even like!! How messed up is that? (rhetorical question)...So why is this list of what's now 46 names just SOOO BIG?! I can't really pin point the exact reason...maybe a combination of the above reasons...maybe some other unknown reason as well...who knows...all i know is it's time I clean house. If people don't communicate they should be's really that simple...So on January 1st 2006 it's time I start.

My friend said that she was organizing her Msn address list...OMG...let's not even go there. I have email addresses on MSN and Yahoo that I don't even know who on earth these people are anymore! Although in my defense...i hardly ever use yahoo email...just for junkmail...and msn i never even use the address book...names get added automatically...i have got to fix that in the options menu...i just don't bother deleting names in the address book cause it's not in my face so to speak...not like the MSN Messenger contact list...where i see it everytime i connect.

So that's it...this is my New Year's Resolution...Beginning January 1st 2006 (or as soon as i log in in the new year)...I'm going to delete all Eroneous MSN Messenger contacts that I Never Ever speak to anymore...because although I did clean up my messenger list about a month ago...i still have contacts i never see anymore...this list should go from 46 to less than 25...of which about 15 are actual friends...i figure i delete phone numbers out of my cell phone regularily so why should this be any differant...well it shouldn't. It's time to clean it all up...and I suggest that any1 that has the same problem to do the same...let's bring in the New Year FRESH!

Happy New Year Every1...Don't Drink And Drive :)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Spirit

Merry Christmas Every1 :)

Just A Bunch Of Jerks

Here's My Poetic Contribution to The World (Don't Say I Didn't Warn U):

Just A Bunch of Jerks

Ok so here I go
Time to start the show
I’m going to tell you about some guys we all know.
It doesn’t matter their names
Cause they are all the same
Could be called John, Phil, Jack, or Kirk
Point is they’re all just a bunch of Jerks
So this is my story to help you believe
And remember it doesn’t matter if the name is Cory or Steve
Because in the end they’re gonna Leave
Trust me on this, It’s gonna be your pet peeve.

So let’s get ready and let’s start
While some are amateurs, others are pretty smart.
They will mess with your head and with your heart
They are so good at it, they think of it as an art
The sad reality is, that’s the worst part.
They play their games and mess with your mind,
It’s all the same, time after time.
You can look into their eyes
And they’ll still tell you lies.
Some are small and they’ll make you sigh,
Others hurt more and they’ll make you cry.
Some go to the clubs and they’ll tell you some rhymes,
But really it’s all just a bunch of stupid pick up lines.
They are not looking for love, instead it’s all lust,
That’s why they aren’t looking at your eyes, instead it’s at your bust.
Some are more rude and they’ll try and grab your ass,
Those dudes really have no class.
Doesn’t matter what they say,
Hell they’ll even pay
They’ll buy you drinks,
They’ll make you laugh and give you a little wink
Even though their goal ultimately stinks.
All they want is you in bed
So remember…remember what I said.
In the end they don’t want a friend,
It’s really the pits
Cause all they want is your ass and your tits.
But it doesn’t stop there cause there’s plenty more,
Hold on tight, cuz we’re going Hardcore!
There’s never any perks,
Cause these guys are just plain JERKS!

With some there is no cure
They are just plain insecure.
They are jealous and they hold on tight
It’s crazy…you become like a kite.
The string is attached never out of their sight,
And they hold on with all their might.
They become very possessive,
It sickens me because they are so obsessive.
They absolutely won’t let go,
Some will even get nasty and call you a Hoe!
Reality is…they are all just a bunch of Psychos!
Trust me, they aren’t just angry and need to vent,
These guys have serious problems with anger management.
Once you’re in, it’s hard to get out,
Even if you scream and shout!
It’s all about Control
They want to tell you what to Do,
Eventually it takes a toll
And you’re better off alone…Just Plain YOU!

So then there’s the ones that will say everything right,
Make you feel good in the middle of the night.
They’ll rub your tummy and call you “honey”,
These are the ones that just want your money,
And really that’s not very funny.
They’ll make you think that they are weak and soft,
When all they really want is to rip you off.
Some will make you think they are desperate and in need
And you’ll think like you’re doing a good deed.
Don’t be fooled, don’t be conned
Because you’ll be left with nothing and be taking baths in a pond.
Others are more high tech
Cause they are looking for the big pay check.
There is no line they won’t cross
And at the end, it’s going to be your big loss.
So don’t smoke any hash
And hold on to your cash
Cause I truly do care
I don’t want to see you on welfare.

So before I end this rhyme,
I’m going to tell you one more time,
As I sit here and give you ample clues,
I’m going to give you one more example of the way they use.

They call themselves males
But that’s not saying much,
It’s actually pretty stale
The way they use it like a crutch.
They tell you you’re their girlfriend
Over and over again;
Meanwhile, they could be screwing your so called friend.
They’ll tell you that you’re the only One
Yet behind your back, they could have a wife, and a son.
Others will call you and you’ll want to meet
While their girlfriend sits at home…they’re all just a bunch of cheats.
It’s like a disease
They can’t stop
Even if you beg them please
They’ll just keeping going like they are buying presents at the shops.
Think of it like Drugs
It’s an addiction,
They’re not looking for hugs
And no this isn’t Science Fiction.
It’s the truth
And it doesn’t matter if they are adults or youths
Doesn’t matter their name
Because they are all the same.
It doesn’t matter the language they speak
Because everything that comes out of their mouth just reeks.
It doesn’t matter the color of their skin or their eyes
Because they’ll still tell you a bunch of lies.
It doesn’t matter if they are tall, short, big or small,
It really makes no difference at all.
It doesn’t matter where they work
If they are a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, or a jeweller at Birks
Bottom line is: They’re all Just a Bunch of Jerks!.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I love that word...i think no one uses it as much as i do...i knew when i first started this blog way back when that i wouldn't keep it going on a regular basis...funny thing is...although i'm to date with other blogs that interest me...keeping my own up to par isn't really a priority. I often have many random thoughts to put down but always seem to get distracted with other things and hence my looong hiatus'...but this month i think i'll update a little bit more than just once a Hmmm now i gotta figure out how to post a picture all over again...afterall visuals sometimes say sooo much more than just's some food for thought...we remember 80% of what we see and only 20% of what we read...interesting eh?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Oil , Blood and Iraq

ok i spotted this while looking for something completely differant online. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed here it is again for any1 else who wants to read it.

Published on Friday, August 19, 2005 by
Oil, Blood and Iraq
by Jerry Lanson

For the most part, the people sacrificing for this war are the troops and their families, and very few of them are coming from the privileged economic classes.
-- Bob Herbert, New York Times
One of my neighbors appears to take his responsibility of raising a family in this affluent birthplace of the American revolution awfully seriously. He has draped an oversized American flag over his front door. It hangs there day and night, in sunshine and in rain, about 15 feet from the SUV parked in the driveway.

I've been tempted to ask him about his definition of patriotism; to ask him why, if he believes so much in America, he drives a car that guzzles gas, helps push its price sky high, and makes all of us that much more dependent on foreign oil. I want to know how many of his relatives have fought and died in Iraq. And I'd like to remind him that the American flag is supposed to be folded at night and taken down in the rain.

My Toyota Camry likely gets twice the mileage of his car. Yet he's the one with the yellow ribbon on his car's window. The Times' Bob Herbert understands. "The loudest hawks are the least likely to send their sons or daughters off to Iraq," he writes. They're also, according to my strictly unscientific survey, the most likely to drive oversized cars and live in oversized houses.

Just what allows these folks to smugly claim the moral high ground? At the outset of this awful war, they mocked those who suggested oil might be behind the invasion. They're still mocking. But then why are we there? Does anyone really believe that this was a war to stop the proliferation of WMD? There were none. Does anyone watching the daily carnage truly believe we're on the cusp of bringing democracy and freedom to the Middle East? Or that Iraq today is a markedly better place to live than under the oppressive rule of Saddam Hussein?

I doubt it.

Dirt does not power cars. Oil does. That's why few politicians, diplomats or armchair generals said boo about the systematic slaughter of tens of thousands in Sudan and Rwanda. That's why, this week, as more of our boys (and girls) are blown to bits on patrol, the Kurds, Shia and Sunni will keep fighting over a Constitution devoted as much to dividing Iraqi oil revenues as to creating democracy. And that's why we'll still be in Iraq weeks and months after Cindy Sheehan ends her determined vigil by the Crawford, Texas, roadside, waiting in vain for an arrogant president to say, "I'm sorry."

Jerry Lanson teaches journalism at Emerson College in Boston.

Thursday, April 21, 2005



I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia :)-